GÉANT Project partners

The collaboration of the NREN partners has long been paramount to the continued success of the GÉANT Project.

The project partners work together to provide network connectivity and to collaborate on joint research activities, investing in the development and delivery of an advanced portfolio of services, tools and network capabilities to institutions, projects and researchers.

The GÉANT Project is a truly pan-European collaboration between 39 partners:

  • 38 European NRENs;
  • NORDUnet (representing the five Nordic countries);
  • GÉANT Association.
Partner Country and location Logo
GÉANT  Association UK  and Netherlands
RASH | www.rash.al Albania
ACOnet | www.aco.net Austria
UoB/AMRES | www.amres.ac.rs Serbia ​
ARNES | www.arnes.si Slovenia
ASNET-AM | www.asnet.am Armenia
Belnet | www.belnet.be Belgium
BREN | www.acad.bg Bulgaria
CARNet | www.carnet.hr Croatia
CESNET | www.ces.net Czech Republic
CyNET | www.cynet.ac.cy Cyprus
DFN | www.dfn.de Germany
FCT | FCCN | www.fccn.pt Portugal
GARR | www.garr.it Italy
GRENA | www.grena.ge  Georgia
GRNET | www.grnet.gr Greece
HEAnet | www.heanet.ie Ireland
EENet of HTM | www.harno.ee Estonia
IUCC | www.iucc.ac.il Israel
IMCS-UL | www.lumii.lv Latvia
Jisc | www.jisc.ac.uk UK
LITNET | www.litnet.lt Lithuania
MARnet | marnet.mk North Macedonia
MREN | www.mren.ac.me Montenegro
KIFÜ | kifu.gov.hu Hungary
NORDUnet | www.nordu.net Nordic region (includes Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland)
PSNC | www.psnc.pl Poland
RedIRIS | www.rediris.es Spain
RENAM | www.renam.md Moldova
RENATER | www.renater.fr France
RESTENA | www.restena.lu Luxembourg
RoEduNet | www.nren.ro Romania
SANET | www.sanet.sk Slovakia
SURF | www.surf.nl  Netherlands
Switch | www.switch.ch Switzerland
ULAKBIM | www.ulakbim.gov.tr Turkey
University of Malta | www.um.edu.mt Malta
URAN | www.uran.net.ua Ukraine
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