Supporting Horizon 2020
The GÉANT Project is fundamental to realising the EU's vision for the European Research Area (ERA), and is a key part of the Digital Agenda for Europe, a flagship initiative driving Europe 2020.
The GÉANT Project has grown during its iterations, through GN1, GN2, GN3, GN3plus, GN4-1 and GN4-2. The current project phase, GN4-3, is a 48-month project beginning 1 January 2019 and ending 31 December 2022.
A special relationship with the EC
Through a special FPA contract with the EC, the GÉANT Project has been tasked with the provision of a stable, though innovative environment for the growth of the GÉANT network, as the European Communications Commons for the ERA, providing the best possible digital infrastructure to ensure that Europe remains in the forefront of research.
Collaboration to meet big science needs
The GÉANT Project is part of the Excellent Science: e-infrastructures programme with a vital role to ensure Horizon 2020 project participants are fully able to collaborate, share and access data, discuss and learn together, and test their innovations across the network unimpeded.
Close cooperation with other European e-infrastructure providers and large scientific projects generating vast volumes of data (e.g. ESFRI projects, CERN) will ensure the unique challenges of this dynamic community are met.
Key Facts - GÉANT Project (GN4-3)
Start date: 1 January 2019
Duration: 48 months
Total budget: €119M
EC contribution: €77.5M
Participants: 500+
39 Project Partners: 37 NRENs, NORDUnet (representing 5 Nordic countries) and GÉANT Association.
Vision: To become the unified European Communications Commons - driving knowledge creation as the global hub for research networking excellence.
Mission: To deliver world-class services with the highest levels of operational excellence.
Co-funded: By the EU and Europe’s NRENs.
As part of the GÉANT 2020 Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA), the project receives funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 856726 (GN4-3).